Abeldent has two reports that differ in how the production transactions are calculated for a specific provider.
The two reports in Abeldent are:
- Summarized Totals Report
- Production Totals Report
The Production Totals report is based on the Provider listed in the patient's Treatment ledger.
The Summarized Totals report is based on the Responsible Provider listed in the patient's Treatment ledger.
In the instances where the Responsible Provider is not the same as the Provider in the patient's Treatment ledger, Sikka will count that production transaction to the Provider (not to the Responsible Provider). This follows the logic of the Production Totals report in Abeldent.
This allows for practices to breakout production transactions to the provider (or hygienist) who actually performed the treatment in Abeldent from the Hygiene Pool and Dentist providers.
If practices are used to using the Summarized Totals report in Abeldent, then they won't be seeing exactly which provider performed the treatment as the transaction will be given to the Hygiene Pool or Dentist provider.
Note: Sikka often won't match exactly to the Summarized Totals report in Abeldent unless the practice enters the same provider listed under Provider and Responsible Provider in the patient's Treatment ledger.
To ensure accurate data in Sikka, practices should consider this when adding/editing transactions in the patient's Treatment ledger.
Regarding Adjustments:
Sikka will always consider the adjustments to the Provider listed in the patient's Financial ledger.
Note: Practices should be careful when posting adjustments, and make sure that the adjustment is going to the provider who's actually getting credit for the production/collection transaction respectively.
The Summarized Totals Report is the only one of the two reports that show how adjustments are categorized to Production and Collection for the practice and providers.