1. Knowledge Base
  2. Optimizing Your Practice Management System

Compatibility Review For Your Practice Management Software

There are a couple of reasons you might request Sikka Software to review whether or not we can read your Practice Management Software(s):

  • Your practice(s) are using a Practice Management Software that we aren't currently compatible with
  • Your practice(s) are planning on updating (or recently updated) to a newer version of your Practice Management Software

The compatibility review is free, but there may be a cost associated with actually building the compatibility. Ask your Customer Success Manager for more info on costs and the process.

When implementing Sikka Software, and/or when troubleshooting a support request like this, a Customer Success Manager may ask to install Team Viewer (a remote connection tool) and/or get the Team Viewer ID and Password, ask for an admin-level Practice Management Software username and password, and a Windows Username and Password. We can use other methods of remote connection if required by your IT (such as join.me and RDC), but we've found Team Viewer works best.

Having these 3 pieces of information will ensure the best experience using your App:

  1. Team Viewer (remote connection tool): ID and Password Install Team Viewer Guide
  2. Practice Management Software: Username and Password
  3. Windows: Username and Password

This helps you in the following ways:

  • Quicker response & resolutions to your support requests
  • Receive better services that ensure accuracy
  • More consistent delivery of automated reporting
  • Getting the best on-demand data

Concerned about security? We abide by the strictest standards of protection and security:

  • HIPAA and HITECH compliant regarding any/all protected health information: HIPAA Policy
  • Access to your system is never required - only with your consent

You can submit all of this information securely at support.sikkasoft.com and we'll notify you by email with an update within 24 hours.