Creating a Custom Procedure KPI

Creating a Custom Procedure KPI


You can create custom KPIs using your own procedure codes that are in pulled from the practice software's fee schedule. Follow the steps below for creating a custom procedure KPI category in your Optimizer Classic account.


1. Go to Settings>> Procedure Category


2. Then click the "Add New Category" button in the lower right-hand corner.

 3.Fill out the Procedure Category Name box in the upper left-hand corner. Select the codes you would like to track on the left side and to move them over to your new category. Simply click the  to move the selected codes to your new category.

4.Once you've finished adding and saved your New category, Log out and log back into Optimizer Classic and your category will then show under KPIs tab in a new KPI sub tab called "Custom Procedure KPIs". 



and all your custom KPIs you've created with show under the "Custom Procedure KPIs".