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  2. Sikka Onboarding (The Basics)

Getting Started With Sikka

Thank you for choosing Sikka Software! To get started working with a customer’s data we need to install the SikkaSoft Platform Utility on the Customer’s server computer. This instructional video on New Client Onboarding walks you and the customer through registering on the Sikka Marketplace and installing the SikkaSoft Platform Utility. To later retrieve another download link refer to this video on Downloading the SPU from Marketplace.


When choosing which computer to install the utility refer to this document for the 

Minimum System Requirements.


You may encounter issues with installing the utility. If so, refer to this document for troubleshooting Sikka Utility Installation Issues. After the first successful data refresh, provide the end-user with this document on Ensuring Accurate Data containing steps the end-user can take to keep the data syncing consistently.


By default, the utility will sync data at 2:00 am local time for the customer. This may not be the best time if a system backup is also scheduled to run at that time or the computer reboots at that time in the evening. Refer to this document for How to change the scheduled refresh time for Sikka Utility.


After onboarding, there may be issues further down the road. In the event, you encounter any issues with the data sync we have a collection of guides for troubleshooting issues with the SikkaSoft Platform Utility.


How to Restart the Sikkasoft Platform Utility (video)

Troubleshooting Data Refresh Issues (video)

Common Troubleshooting for Sikka Utility Data Refresh Issues

How Do I Configure Antivirus Software To Allow the Sikka Utility To Run Successfully?  

How to Troubleshoot an Inconsistent Data Refresh

SPC Does Not Refresh Automatically



Sikka provides Resources for our Partners to help them manage their account 

Our Support Portal gives you detailed information on all your installations and provides some basic functionality for changing the utility configuration without accessing the end user’s PC. Refer to this instructional video for details.

We also provide an API Portal for the management of API Access, testing tools, and checking data availability. Refer to this instructional video for details.

For escalating support issues with our team, you may visit https://sikkasoftware.freshdesk.com/ to open a new support ticket with us or to manage existing tickets. Here are some guidelines for opening a support ticket


Please provide the following when opening a support ticket:



Master Customer ID:

Team Viewer ID:

Team Viewer Password:

Windows Username:

Windows Password:

PMS Username:

PMS Password: 

Description of the issue:

Screenshots, video clips, example patient IDs, and exact API call used (when applicable) are highly encouraged



Some of the information we ask for when opening a support ticket comes from the end user. Below are some guides to help obtain the information requested:


Why Do You Need Access and My Passwords?   

How To Add A Team Viewer Password