Did you know that you can use our Patients now as a Revenue Generator? Would you like to reactivate inactive patients that hasn't been back in your practice? or a marketing tool to bring more patients to your practice? Here's how!
Login to your Practice Optimizer with your credential by going to https://po.sikkasoft.com
Click on the Patients Now Icon (Blue Circle) on the top of the page.
You will be presented with Top List of Patients Chairs, categories of patients that are due or hasn't been in your practice for a long period of time. Enables you to see who hasn't had any Unique Patients Recall in 7 months, single patients from 50-65 years of age that you can offer special tooth whitening etc.
Select a desire category. You will be presented with a list of patients. You can have an option to select all or individual. You can select email or text as a form of communication.
Email Method. You can edit the body of the message then click on send. You can cancel if you decided to use a different form of communication.
Text Method. You can edit the body of the message then click on send. You can cancel if you decided to use a different form of communication.
You can go back and forth on the Top List or Patients Chairs at anytime to reach out to more patients in your practice!