Monthly Assessment

Monthly Assessment



The Monthly Assessment packet is a guide to track your practice health, ensuring your meeting your practice's goals. Monthly Assessments are *hand crafted specifically for your practice after the first initial Monthly Assessment is given to you by your trainer. 


This packet is made up of 2 reports, 2 KPIs, and 1 Feature tool listed below:

1.Monthly Practice Detail

2. Morning Meeting Report

3. New Patients

4. New Clients

5. Fee Optimizer


The Monthly Practice Detail (page 1)


Give you a break down of your completed month compared to your last year's same month Practice Detail KPIs. Below the report, the compared data is then calculated on the right hand side across from the actual highlighted in green(for additional revenue made) and in red (revenue loss).


Morning Meeting Report (page 2)

The date range is change to the last completed month to see if, by the end of the month, you reached your set monthly goal. You can then see if you need to adjust your goals depending if you're falling short or exceeding your set goal.

New Patients (page 3)

Tracks one of the practice's growth points. See the yearly trend for new patients for the practice and ensure that your set goal for new patients are being achieved.

New Clients (page 4)

Tracks another one of the practice's growth points. See the yearly trend for new patients for the practice and ensure that your set goal for new clients are being achieved.


Fee Optimizer (page 5-6)

Using the Fee Optimizer to see the last completed month's top procedure count

for your services and retail sales items. You c

Monthly Assessments are *hand crafted specifically for your practice after the first initial Monthly Assessment is given to you by your trainer. 



*Will craft specific Monthly Assessment after initial packet was given from trainer. Feedback is required to craft a more specific Monthly Assessment.