My Account Setup
PrintGo to the Settings gear icon, which is located in the top right hand corner.
Then click on "Practice Setup" which is the second category listed in the settings menu.
The Practice Setup window will display next and will be bought to the the "Welcome"screen. Please select your practice if not already selected if you have more then one practice as the main practice for Practice Optimizer.
Next click on the next category "Practice Type". Select your practice type, this helps place you in the most relevant national profile for accurate data comparisons, dynamic goals, setting, fine-tuned fee optimization, and intuitive recommendations. Then click Continue.
Next click on the next category "Providers". Select your providers you would like mapped in Practice Optimizer. This will affect your production numbers in the reports and KPI reports that are generated in Practice Optimizer. Then click Save and Continue.
Next click on the next category "Working Schedule". Set your working schedule for your practice and for your providers. This will affect when your provider shows on daily reports such as the Morning Meeting Report. Then click Save and Continue.
you can select from the following:
1. I would like to import my practice working schedule from my Practice Management Software.
This will import your current working schedule in to Practice Optimizer.
2. I would like to use the Sikka default working schedule for "x" days per week "x" hours per day.
This will set for your both practice and for your providers hours and days.
3.I would like to set my own working schedule below.
you can customize the working schedule to how you would like it setup down below on the working schedule table.
Next click on "New Patients". You can configure how new patients are defined in Practice Optimizer. Then click "Save" and "Continue".
The Patient first visit date can be defined as one of the following:
1. Date when a specific procedure was performed
This option allows you to define the patient's first visit date on the date when a specific item was invoiced for that patient on that day.
2. Patient's first visit date from practice software
This options sets the patient's first visit date to the first visit date in your practice software.
3. Date of first transaction/procedure performed
This option allows you to define the patient's first visit date on the date when the patient's first transaction/ procedure is performed.
Next click on the next category "OTC Payments". Select any payment type you accept at your practice. Then click Save and Continue.
Next click on the next category "Data Setting". Select if you like to exclude any patients with a certain billing type, consider patient's payment plan amounts in your Total AR, or to exclude patient health information. Then Click "Save and Finish"
You have now completed your Practice Setup for Practice Optimizer.