Recall, Recall Potential, and Recall Effectiveness on the Trend Analysis Report


What is Recall?


A very important component of dental health is the dental “check-up” or recall exam. This is for existing patients and usually occurs at the same time as a regularly scheduled cleaning.


What codes are considered for Recall on the Trend Analysis Report? 


Recall is the number of patients who had D0120/01120, procedures for a given month.


What codes are considered for Recall Potential on the Trend Analysis Report? 


Recall Potential is the number of patients who had D0120/00120 or D0150/00150 procedures in the last 6 months excluding the current month.


What is the calculation for Recall Effectiveness on the Trend Analysis Report? 

Recalls / Recall Potential ) *100= Recall Effectiveness



Page Two of the Trend Analysis Report provides code definitions:


NOTE- Practices using specialty codes for Recall and Recall Potential should make sure all codes are added to the Procedure Category in Settings