See a Snapshot of Your Practice's KPIs using Quick Stats

See a Snapshot of Your Practice's KPIs using Quick Stats



Quick Stats gives you a quick snapshot of your practice's KPIs stats, showing you the current month and the last 3 months data.

There are 7 Quick Stats:

  1. Adjusted Production

  2. Payments

  3. Accounts Receivable

  4. Active Clients

  5. Active Patients

  6. Patients Seen

  7. Procedures and Transactions

You can easily get different views of each of these KPIs by selecting the drop down window that displays "Total".


Once you've click the drop window and a drop down list on filters will appear for that KPI. Once you've selected one of the filters, the data will recalculate and display within seconds.


This is a great tool to use to quickly see your practice's Quick Stats and avoid wasted time pulling reports in your practice software.