Setting Up Text Alerts

Setting Up Text Alerts


1. Go to Settings, Text Alerts.



2. Next click on the "Add New Recipient" button located to the right upper side corner.



3. Next fill in the fields below; Name, and Cell# then click the "Next" Button located in the upper right hand corner.


4. Select the practice(s) you would like to receive text alerts for. Once selected they will be highlighted in purple, and then you can click the "Next" Button.



5. Overview selected practice(s), and set Frequency of when you would like to get Text Alerts sent you, By clicking the drop down arrow next to "Daily". You can select from the following frequencies Daily, Weekly or Monthly. Once you've saved your preferences, Click the "Save" button in the upper right-hand corner.

Now you will be brought back to the original "Manage Text Alert" screen, where you will see your new recipient added.

You can set more recipients to get Text Alerts for your practice(s) by going through the same steps above.