Success Dashboard KPI Definitions for Animal Health

Success Dashboard KPI Definitions for Animal Health


1.  Wellness Exams to New Patients  

This KPI compares the total new patients for the selected period to new patients that were invoiced for a wellness exam and reports this as a percentage.  Items that fall under the wellness exam category can be configured in Procedure Category Setup.  


2.  Total Collection to Production

This KPI compares total collections or payments received to total production and reports this as a percentage.  This KPI can help spot trends with issues collecting on invoices during the client visit.  


3.  Total No Shows to Total Appointments

This KPI compares total no shows to total appointments and reports this as a percentage.  A "No Show" for this KPI is defined as an appointment that does not have a matching invoice transaction on the same day as the appointment.  It is possible that a valid appointment was invoiced on a different day and this would still affect this KPI.  


4.  Total Patients Referred to Total Active Patients

This KPI compares total patients that were referred by another client to total active patients.  Active patients are configured in setup practice as a client with a transaction in the past 12, 18, or 24 months).  


5.  Heartworm Testing