A Healthy Hygiene Program Creates a Healthy Practice

Your practice's future is even brighter when you use Sikka's Optimizer Classic!


A healthy hygiene program creates a healthy practice. One of the most significant activities in building a successful hygiene program is reappointing hygiene patients prior to them leaving the office.


Sikka Software is the industry leader in dental analytics. Over 12,000 dental practices have opted in to allow Sikka to use their data to compile reports and analytics for the practices and to use anonymous data to create reports and analytics to benefit dentists and the dental industry. All Sikka activity is both HIPAA and HITECH compliant.


Over the past 3 months, we have observed the following:


Dental National Trends available in our Optimizer Classic indicates that 60% of patients are reappointed.

It would not be unusual to see a wide variation in individual staff member performances, as demonstrated in this sample report from Optimizer Classic Premium.

By the time that you review a monthly report, the damage could be done. That is why it is important to monitor your hygienists' performance each day.

The Hygienist Morning Meeting Report in Optimizer Classic Premium will be waiting in your email each morning. You and your team can review the prior day and celebrate the successes and discuss potential improvement.

It may take a lot of information to make your practice a success. It shouldn't take a lot of work to access and analyze that information.

Let Sikka Software's Optimizer Classic help you build that successful practice that you deserve.