Understanding the Morning Meeting Report: Month to Date- Provider Scheduled Production
This guide describes the definitions of each key performance indicator (KPI) in the Month to Date Provider Scheduled Production section of the Morning Meeting Report and where to find corresponding information within Optimizer Classic.
Month to Date- Provider Scheduled Production:
Scheduled (Gross) Production By Provider
This is the total value of scheduled gross production by the provider without any deductions for discounts. This includes discounts to insurance companies and your family, friends, or staff.
Where can I find Schedule Production by Provider information in Optimizer Classic?
You can find this information in the KPIs section (Practice KPIs, Appointments by Provider KPI). Select the same date range from the Morning Meeting Report (Current Month). Select the blue bar for a zoom-in detailed look at patient Information
Production (Gross Production) By Provider
This is the total value of gross production by the provider without any deductions for discounts. This includes discounts to insurance companies and your family, friends, or staff.
Where can I find Production by Provider information in Optimizer Classic?
You can find this information in the KPI section (Dentist KPIs, Dentist Gross Production KPI). Select the same date range from the Morning Meeting Report (Current Month). Select the blue bar for a zoom-in detailed look at patient Information