Most Dentrix users will look at their Day Sheet when comparing data with Optimizer Classic reports. However, the best report in Dentrix to verify data in Optimizer Classic is the Provider A/R Totals report.
Here's why:
1. The Provider A/R Totals report gives you the totals for Production and Collection, plus categorizes and considers adjustments for both Production and Collections. We match these values exactly (in most cases).
2. The Provider A/R Totals report can be run using either the "Entry Date" or the "Procedure Date" setting. Optimizer Classic was designed to offer actionable patient/procedure level data to users (it wasn't designed primarily as accounting software). When verifying data make sure you run the Provider A/R Totals report by "Procedure Date".
3. The Provider A/R Totals report can show you detail on all your adjustment types and how they're being categorized in Dentrix. There are cases where some of the adjustment types you're using have not been added to Provider A/R Totals report categories. Make sure all your adjustment types you're using are accounted for in the Provider A/R Totals report adjustment categories.
The Day Sheet will only show Gross Production and Gross Collection (before adjustments). It also only shows totals for Debits and Credits (adjustments); it doesn't show you how those Debits and Credits will effect the Production and Collection values after those adjustments are considered.
This is an example of a Provider A/R Totals report (below):
The Charges column under Production = Optimizer Classic's Gross Production number.
The +ADJ and -ADJ columns under Production = Optimizer Classic's Adjustments number.
The total column under Production = Optimizer Classic's Adjusted Production number.
The Payments column under Collection = Optimizer Classic's Gross Collection number (Optimizer Classic only reports on this number in the Adjusted Collections by Provider report).
The +ADJ and -ADJ columns under Collection = Optimizer Classic's Collection Adjustments number (Optimizer Classic only reports on this number in the Adjusted Collections by Provider report).
The Total column under Collection = Optimizer Classic's Collection number.
For more information please read the following articles from Dentrix (attached).